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Visual Perception Lab News

  • Congratulations to Jingming Xue who gave a poster on a DDM model of sermantic influences on figure assignment at VSS 2022.

  • Congratulations to Jingming Xu who was awarded a GPSC Travel Grant to attend VSS 2022.

  • We're delighted to be back in our lab after it was renovated (July - October 2021). It's terrific now!

  • Welcome to new graduate student, Jingming Xu, who be advised by both Drs. Robert Wilson and Mary Peterson.

  • Congratulations to Rachel Skocypec who competed her Ph.D. in summer 2021

  • Congratulations to Diana Perez whose honors thesis research was published in Scientific Reports in 2020

  • Congratulations to Dr. Colin Flowers who completed his Ph.D. in the summer of 2020.

  • Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Salvagio who completed her Ph.D. during the fall of  2016!

  • Congratulations to Drs. Laura Cacciamani, Andrew Mojica, and Jay Sanguinetti who completed their Ph.D.s during the spring and summer of  2014!



  • Mary Peterson is part of a team that has been awarded an ONR Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) grant, titled "Top-Down And Bottom-Up Visual Mechanisms At Multiple Spatial And Temporal Scales: Experimental Investigation And Computational Modeling." The award is for $4.5M for 3 years, with a 2 year optional extension of $3.0M. The other team members are: Fei-Fei Li at Stanford (PI), Diane Beck at the University of Illinoi, Jack Gallant and Jitendra Malik at UC Berkeley, and Jim DiCarlo at MIT).



  • Welcome to Colin Flowers, a first year graduate student in the lab.

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