Visual Perception Lab
Department of Psychology in the School of Mind, Brain and Behavior at the University of Arizona

Visual Perception Lab News
Congratulations to Jingming Xue who gave a poster on a DDM model of sermantic influences on figure assignment at VSS 2022.
Congratulations to Jingming Xu who was awarded a GPSC Travel Grant to attend VSS 2022.
We're delighted to be back in our lab after it was renovated (July - October 2021). It's terrific now!
Welcome to new graduate student, Jingming Xu, who be advised by both Drs. Robert Wilson and Mary Peterson.
Congratulations to Rachel Skocypec who competed her Ph.D. in summer 2021
Congratulations to Diana Perez whose honors thesis research was published in Scientific Reports in 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Colin Flowers who completed his Ph.D. in the summer of 2020.
Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Salvagio who completed her Ph.D. during the fall of 2016!
Congratulations to Drs. Laura Cacciamani, Andrew Mojica, and Jay Sanguinetti who completed their Ph.D.s during the spring and summer of 2014!
Mary Peterson is part of a team that has been awarded an ONR Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) grant, titled "Top-Down And Bottom-Up Visual Mechanisms At Multiple Spatial And Temporal Scales: Experimental Investigation And Computational Modeling." The award is for $4.5M for 3 years, with a 2 year optional extension of $3.0M. The other team members are: Fei-Fei Li at Stanford (PI), Diane Beck at the University of Illinoi, Jack Gallant and Jitendra Malik at UC Berkeley, and Jim DiCarlo at MIT).
Welcome to Colin Flowers, a first year graduate student in the lab.