Visual Perception Lab
Department of Psychology in the School of Mind, Brain and Behavior at the University of Arizona

Peterson, M. A. & Campbell, B.S. (2024, April). Cortico-cortical recurrent processes mediate convex figure context effects and cortico-thalamic recurrent processes resolve figure-ground ambiguity. [Poster presentation] Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Toronto, CA. [pdf]
Xue, J., Peterson, M. A. & Wilson, R. C. (2022, May 12-18). A drift diffusion model of figure-ground perception. [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society. [pdf]
Flowers, C. S., & Peterson, M. A. (2021, May 21-26). Image-and Task-Based Contributions to Human Object Localization in Natural Scenes [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting. [pdf]
Ghose, T., & Peterson, M.A. (2021, May 21-26). Task set and instructions influence the relative weight of figural priors in figure-ground organization [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.
Skocypec, R. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2021, May 21-26). Do Semantic Expectations Influence Object Detection? A Stringent test using figure assignment responses [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting. [pdf]
Flowers, C. S., Wilson, J. L., & Peterson, M. A. (2019, November 14). Temporal Attention Capture by Portions of Unconsciously Processed Familiar Objects [Poster presentation]. Object Perception, Attention and Memory, Montreal, QC, Canada. [pdf]
Skocypec, R.M., & Peterson, M. A. (2019, November 14). Investigating the effect of basic-level predictions on figure assignment [Talk]. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Flowers, C. S., Skocypec, R. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2019, May 17-22). Does Semantic Activation Affect Human Object Detection in Natural Scenes? [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Perez, D. C., & Peterson, M. A. (2019, May 17-22). An investigation on the influence of prior experience on working memory representations. [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Skocypec, R.M., & Peterson, M. A. (2019, May 17-22). The Influence of Semantics on Figure Assignment: Unmasked Primes, Masked Primes, and Context. [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Peterson, M.A., & Skocypec, R.M. (2018, November 16). Semantic Priming of Figure-Assignment: Unmasked Primes, Masked Primes, and Task Set Effects [Talk]. Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA.
Flowers, C.S., Palitsky, R., Peterson, M.A., & Sullivan, D. (2018, November 15). Effect of trial-invariant conjoint spatial-temporal knowledge of target appearance on voluntary spatial and temporal cueing effects [Talk]. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory, New Orleans, LA.
Peterson, M. A. & Skocypec, R.M. (2018, November 14). Semantic Priming of Figure-Assignment: Unmasked Primes, Masked Primes, and Task Set Effects [Talk]. Configural Processing Consortium, New Orleans, LA.
Flowers, C. S., & Peterson, M. A. (2018, May 18-23). Human Object Detection in Natural Scenes: Evidence from a New Dot Probe Task [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Perez, D. C., Cook, S. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2018, May 18-23). Object Memories Alter the Appearance of Blurry Object Borders [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Skocypec, R.M., & Peterson, M. A. (2018, May 18-23). Do Semantic Expectations Arising From Masked Word Primes Aid Object Detection At The Earliest Level? [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Perez, D. C., Jernigan, M. A., Cook, S. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2018, March). Does Familiarity Increase the Perceived Sharpness of an Object? [Poster presentation]. WAESO, Tempe, AZ. [pdf]
Cook, S.M., Perez, D.C., & Peterson, M.A. (2017, May 19-24). An Investigation of the Effect of Prediction on Object Perception [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete. Beach, FL. [pdf]
Flowers, C.S., & Peterson, M.A. (2017, May 19-24). Past Experience Within an Experiment Does Not Influence Figural Assignment [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Skocypec, R.M., Jannuzi, B., Orsten-Hooge, K., & Peterson, M.A. (2017, May 19-24). Unmet Expectations Impede Object Detection: Interactions Between Predictions and Error Signals Interfere with Figure-Ground Assignment [Poster presentation]. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Kimberley D. Orsten-Hooge, Rachel M. Skocypec, Barnes G.L. Jannuzi, & Mary A. Peterson (Nov 2016). Semantic Priming Influences Object Detection. Object Perception Attention and Memory Conference, Boston MA. [pdf]
Kimberley D. Orsten-Hooge, Rachel M. Skocypec, & Mary A. Peterson (2016 May). Semantic Priming Facilitates Figure Assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, University of Arizona, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Sarah M. Cook, Colin S. Flowers, Mary A. Peterson (2016 May). Dichoptic Masking Interferes with Feedback to Early Visual Areas When Part and Whole Familiarity Conflicts. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, University of Arizona, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Jannuzi, B.,Peterson, M.A. (2015 August). Can meaning influence what we see? Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Summer Presentations, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. [pdf]
Ayars, A., Peterson, M. A., & Sanguinetti, J.L. (2015, May). Investigation of a semantic unmasking effect. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Mathieson, A., Burrola, M., & Peterson, M. A., Raymond, J. (2015, May). Can value learning affect figure-ground perception? Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Salvagio, E., Gomez, R. & Peterson, M.A. (2015, May). Is prior experience necessary for 5.5-month-old infants to use the statistical regularity of an unchanging object on a changing background for segmentation? Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Ayars, A. A., Mojica, A. J., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Looking beyond the means: rapid learning of prime-display relationship in a semantic priming experiment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Burrola, M., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Global influences on figure assignment: The role of the border. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Cacciamani, L., Scalf, P. E., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Competition-based ground suppression in extrastriate cortex and the role of attention. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Duran, G., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Implicit measures of whether conceptual knowledge increases interest in photographs. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Ghose, T., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Using extremal edge to decouple closeness and shape in figure-ground perception. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Lass, J. Hashema, A., Bennett, P., Peterson, M. A, & Sekuler, A. (2014, May). Neural signals underlying the convexity context effect. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Mura, K., Ghose, T., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Context effects on figure-ground perception with both convexity and extremal edge cues. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Salvagio, E., Gomez, R., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Can infants (5.5 months-old) use object repetition to segment objects from their backgrounds? Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Sanguinetti, J. L., Trujillo, L., Schnyer, D., Allen, J. J. B., & Peterson, M. A. (2014, May). Increased alpha band activity indexes inhibitory competition across a border during figure assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL. [pdf]
Sun, H. & Peterson, M.A. (2013, December). An Empirical Study of the Impact of Stereo 3D on User Learning in the Web Environment. Pre ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop; Thirty Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, Milan, Italy, December 15-18, 2013.
Cacciamani, L., Scalf, P. E., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, November). Evidence of top-down mediated ground suppression in extrastriate cortex. Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA. [pdf]
Cacciamani, L., Mojica, A. J., Sanguineti, J. L., & Peterson, M.A. (2013, May). Accessing meaning for the groundside of a figure: How long does it last? Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 71. doi:10.1167/13.9.71 [pdf]
Chan, D., Peterson, M. A., Barense, M. D., & Pratt, J. (2013, May). Action influences object perception. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 1007. doi:10.1167/13.9.1007
Duran, G., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, May). Interaction between visual and conceptual processing in art appreciation. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 1307. doi:10.1167/13.9.1307
Lass, J. W., Bennett, P., Peterson, M. A., & Sekuler, A. (2013, May). The effects of aging on figure/ground perception: Reduced competition resolution in older observers. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 719. doi:10.1167/13.9.719
Mojica, A. J., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, May). Semantic priming affects figure assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 714. doi:10.1167/13.9.714
Salvagio, E., Gomez, R. L., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, May). Infants (5.5 months old) use shape regularity to segment objects from their backgrounds. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 716. doi:10.1167/13.9.716
Sanguinetti, L., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, May). Unmasking the mask: semantic similarity produces disinhibition in a masked priming paradigm. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 47. doi:10.1167/13.9.47
Scalf, P E., Cacciamani, L., Barense, M. D., & Peterson, M. A. (2013, May). Representation of object parts and wholes in V2 modified by medial temporal lobe structures. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 1002. doi:10.1167/13.9.1002
Slugocki, M., Maurer, D., Peterson, M. A., & Lewis, T. (2013, May). Convexity as a cue to figure-ground segmentation in children. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 718. doi:10.1167/13.9.718
Peterson, M. A., & Salvagio, E. (2013, May). Surprising evidence of competition in a classic figure-ground stimulus supports a role for background prior in figure assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 717. doi:10.1167/13.9.717
Wager, E., Peterson, M. A., Folstein, J. R., & Scalf, P. E. (2013, May). Automatic top-down processes mediate selective attention. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 137. doi:10.1167/13.9.137
Cacciamani, L., Mojica, A.J., Sanguinetti, J.L., & Peterson, M.A. (2012, May). Meaning can be accessed for the groundside of a figure. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. [pdf]
Mojica, A.J., Salvagio, E., & Peterson, M.A. (2012, May). Attention is allocated to figural cues (not figures) under conditions of uncertainty. Vision Sciencse Society Meeting, Naples, FL. [pdf]
Salvagio, E., & Peterson, M.A. (2012, May). Revealing the temporal dynamics of competitive interactions in figure-ground perception. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. [pdf]
Sanguinetti, J.L., & Peterson, M.A. (2012, May). Ultra rapid categorization based on perceptual organization. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Lass, J., Bennett, P., Peterson, M.A., & Sekuler, A. (2012, May). The effect of context and convexity on figure ground perception in aging. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Chan, D., Peterson, M.A., Qian, S., & Pratt, J. (2012, May). The "gist" of visual processing. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Cacciamani, L., & Peterson, M. A. (2011, May). Interference from a working memory task provides evidence for a fronto-temporal face perception network. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Mojica, A. J., & Peterson, M. A. (2011, May). On the relative effectiveness of symmetry and convexity as figural cues. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL. [
Salvagio, E. M., Mojica, A. J., Kimchi, R., & Peterson, M. A. (2011, May). Reevaluating whether attention is drawn to figures. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Roller, B., Mojica, A. J., Salvagio, E. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2011, May). Object based attention effects disappear when flanking objects are present. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Cacciamani, L., & Peterson, M. A. (2010, November). Holding faces in working memory interferes with face discrimination but not object discrimination. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Cacciamani, L., Salvagio, E. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2010, May). Target discrimination performance reveals that competition for figural status entails mutual inhibition. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Mojica, A. J., Roller, B., Salvagio, E. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2010, May). Two dimensional figure-ground displays fail to demonstrate object based attention benefits. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Salvagio, E. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2010, May). Temporal dynamics in convexity context effects. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Salvagio, E. M., & Peterson, M. A. (2009, May). Competition-induced suppression in figure-ground perception spans multiple levels. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples, FL.
Kimchi, R. & Peterson, M. A. (2008, May). Figure-ground segmentation can occur without attention. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples , FL. Published Abstract: Journal of Vision, 8(6), 825.
Salvagio, E. M., Mojica, A. J., & Peterson, M. A. (2008, May). Context effects in figure-ground perception: The role of biased competition, suppression and long-range connections. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Naples , FL. Published Abstract: Journal of Vision, 8(6), 1007.
Skow, E., & Peterson, M. A. (2007, May). Identity, location, and direction can be learned quickly in repeated search. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Published Abstract: Journal of Vision, 7(9), 1058.
Salvagio, E., Kim, J.H., & Peterson, M.A. (2007, May). Context determines figure-ground perception by suppressing competition. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota , FL. Published Abstract: Journal of Vision, 7(9), 904.
Peterson, M. A., Kim, J. H., & Salvagio, E. (2006, May). Psychonomic Society Meeting, Houston , TX .
Schroeder, A. & Peterson, M. A. (2006, May). Do Synesthetes Excel Under Object-Substitution Masking? Type of Attention Matters. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Published abstract: Journal of Vision, 6(6), 1075.
Trujillo et al (2006, May). ERP Components Index Unconscious versus Conscious Perception of Familiar Shape With Figure-Ground Reversal. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Published abstract: Journal of Vision, 6(6), 97.
Trujillo, L.T., Peterson, M.A., & Allen, J.J.B. (2005, November). Human ERP Correlates of Cross-Edge Competition During Figure-Assignment. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC.
Peterson, M.A., & Skow, E. (2005, May). Intermediate level medium-span configurations can mediate past experience effects on figure assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Kim, J.H., & Peterson, M.A. (2005, May). The time course of the operation of bilateral symmetry as a configural cue. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Landau, A., Aviezer, H., Robertson, L.C., Peterson, M.A., Soroker, N., Sacher, Y., Boneh, Y., & Bentin, B. (2005, May) Implicit object recognition in visual integrative agnosia: case SE. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Skow, E., & Peterson, M.A. (2005, May). Competing action memories can produce the appearance of memory-free visual search. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Trujillo, L.T., Peterson, M.A., & Allen, J.J.B. (2005, May). Electrophysiological evidence for early access to object memories during figure assignment in humans. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Trujillo, L. T. & Peterson, M. A., & Allen, J.J.B. (2004, October). P100 and N170 ERP Components Reflect Differences Among Upright, Inverted, And Scrambled Mooney Faces. Poster presented at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Peterson, Mary A. (2004, August). Past Experience and Competition in Figure Assignment. Talk invited for symposium, "Neo-Gestalt Contributions to the Understanding of Perceptual Organization," at the International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
Skow-Grant, E., & Peterson, M. A. (2004, May). Past experience in figural assignment: partial configurations are sufficient. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Rauschenberger, R., & Peterson, M. A. (2004, May). When unambiguous stimuli become ambiguous: Spatiotemporal context effects with nominally unambiguous stimuli. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Burge, J., Peterson, M. A., & Palmer, S. E. (2004, May). Perceived depth is influenced both by binocular disparity and configural cues. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Skow-Grant, E., Rauschenberger, R., & Peterson, M. A. (2003, November). Attention, not Inhibition of Return, Tracks Objects. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
Kim, J.H., & Peterson, M.A. (2003, November). Long range interactions among local competitions for figural status. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
Peterson, M. A., & Kim, J. H. (2003, October). Does context modulate the strength of the configural cue of symmetry? Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson, AZ.
Skow-Grant, E. & Peterson, M. A. (2003, May). Where has object-based IOR gone? Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 3, 9, 335.
Peterson, M. A., & Rauschenberger, R. (2003, May). Context affects border assignment in the target stimulus in visual search. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 3, 9, 232.]
Kim, J.H., & Peterson, M.A. (2002, May). Contextual modulation of the strength of Gestalt configural cues. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 7, 481.
Schulz, M. F., Rauschenberger, R., & Peterson, M. A. (2002, May). Amodal completion in passively viewed displays: A priming study. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 681.
Skow Grant, E., Lampignano, D. W., Kim, J. H., & Peterson, M. A. (2002, May). Tests of a competitive interactive model of figure assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 7, 472.
Rauschenberger, R. Peterson, M. A., Mosca, F., & Brun, N. (2002, May). A modified search task investigates an alternative to the two-stage model of amodal completion. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 7, 680.
Peterson, M. A. & Enns, J. T. (2002, May). Memory for an edge includes figure and ground assignment. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 7, 497.
Peterson, M. A. & Lampignano, D. L. (2002, May). Memory for novel shapes of grounds? An alternative hypothesis. Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 2, 408.
Payne, J. D, Jacobs, W.J., Peterson, M. A., Lopez, C., Hardt, O., & Nadel, L. (2002, April). Stressing Memory: Effects on Spatial and Episodic Memory. Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Peterson, M. A., & Kim, J.H. (2001, November). Context Modulates the Gestalt Configural Cue of Convexity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Orlando, FL.
Schulz, M. F., Peterson, M. A., Sanocki, T., & Sellers, E. W. (2001, November). Time course of perceptual grouping: A priming study. Paper to be presented at the Annual Object Perception and Memory Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Payne, J.D. Peterson, M.A. Jacobs, W.J.& Nadel, L. (2001. November). Stress Effects On Perceptual Binding, Attention And False Memory. Poster presented at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Kim, J. H. & Peterson, M. A. (2001, May). Contextual modulation of the strength of the Gestalt configural cues. Poster presented at the first annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, FL. Abstract published in: Journal of Vision, 1, 3, 390.
Lampignano, D. L., & Peterson, M. A. (2001, March). Are long term memories established for the shapes of grounds? Poster presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Peterson, M.A., & Rapscak, S. Z. (2001, March). Task requirements and attention. Poster presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.

(above) Alisabeth Ayars presenting poster, "Investigation of a Semantic Unmasking effect" at VSS 2015

(above) Elizabeth Salvagio presenting poster, "Is prior experience necessary for 5.5-month-old infants to use the statistical regularity of an unchanging object on a changing background for segmentation?" at VSS 2015